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Fire Extinguishers

Fire Safety in the Workplace

August 20, 2020

Fire is a risk in all workplaces. Some workplaces are at higher risk than others. However, regardless of the risk, employees need to know what to do in the event […]

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Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke: Know the Difference

August 5, 2020

Canadian summers can see temperatures soar into the high 30s in degrees Celsius. And that’s without the humidex factor, which can take us into the mid-40s! There’s no denying that […]

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Identifying COVID-19 Hazards in the Workplace

July 23, 2020

COVID-19 has had a monumental impact on all individuals worldwide. With no one left untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic, it goes without saying that all workplaces have been affected. As such, the Joint […]

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Proper PPE Use: How to Wear a Mask Safely

July 10, 2020

Proper PPE Use: How to Wear a Mask Safely Includes a FREE Poster Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including non-medical masks, can be an effective line of defence against the spread of […]

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Safety Leadership in a Post-COVID Landscape

June 22, 2020

COVID-19 has changed everything. It’s changed the way we educate, the way we work, the way we shop, and even the way we interact. With so many drastic changes resulting […]

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